present your study. be interesting. be special. be informative.

i think i forgot to show you my postcard. yeah i know everybody saw it in class but i wasn't there so i didn't here your feedback. so if you want to....i would like you to give me a comment. you can just write your own opinion or maybe the feedbacks from other students out of our class, which you remember.
dankeee. :)
i'm going to show you the background later. with this internet connection it takes too long to upload pictures,

the days are long...the nights are short...the time flies away.

I didn't write for a long time. I can't remember the terrible week from my last post anymore. I'm living in my new room now with beautiful roommates. And now I don't want to spend my time with writing a blog anymore. I want to spend my time with my friends and talk to them. If you would record the talks you would know everything about my life, my study, my project, my friends and my family. But you can't do that. It would be easier. But I'm really happy that you can't and that I can choose what I can tell you.
And now I have to choose.
I could write RIG - our project - and the presentation tomorrow. But if you want to know something about the project you could just check our page: sites, or just listen durings the lessons. We talked a lot about our project yet.
And tomorrow I have to say something again. I am the presenter for our product, our game and our project. It's all the same. I know. But I just want to show that it is big and that you normally can't describe it in 30 seconds. But I have to.  And I have to do it really good, because everybody should come to us to play the interactive video, get more information about the game and just be impressed, because tomorrow is really important for the mark which we get for the project. And I think good feedbacks of a lot of people are good. But than I think is it better to get more feedback even though it is bad or if we think that it could become bad shouldn't we try to get it!?
I am scared because of tomorrow. I like our story and the idea of the project but I'm not sure if we are going to present it in a good way.
We had a lot of problems with the project, but I think that isn't the reason. We couldn't work for one week, but I think that isn't the reason. We had enough time. It is just that the most time we did a GOOD job with everything but not a PERFECT job. It doesn't have to be perfect but you should try to make it perfect and I think we didn't do that sometimes. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe everything is going to become really good tomorrow. I can't change it anymore, right!?
I hope it becomes good...

In school I just liked the subjects, where I was good in. I liked sports and maths and informatica. I was good in all of them. Really good I think.
But know? I like the study. I still think that it was totally the right choice to go to Enschede. But I'm not good anymore. I had a bad mark for the last project and in Computer Science I didn't have everything right.  But normally Computer Science should be a subject where I'm really good in, right? I did the mouse assignment. but there was sth in a wrong way. I changed it, but i changed it too late. But I have understood it. I was the one who read the page and found Angelikas mistake because I understood it. I have the feeling she can't remember things like that. She can't remember us. I choose to study creative technology this year because it is nice when you are just with a few students because you have personal contact to your profs, just like in school. But it isn't like that. The only prof who is interested in me myseld, i think, is gerrit. The others want to have signatures to see who was in their lessons. So just like in school. But why do you have to be there. If i don't get the personal contact i don't need to go right? than it should be totally like in the other studies. you can go if you want but you don't need to. you just need to do your assignments.
I did it with programming. I didn't go there the last two times. because we didn't have to give a signature. And i think i had learned the most things we learned before. That is relaxing. you can just work in your own room and don't have to go to university by bike. but it isn't the way i wanted to study.
i have the feeling there is no teacher who knows my name. that doesn't feel like personal contact.

New luck :)

the last week was terrible again. i dont like to write about it now...maybe im going to do it later. but the next week is going to be better (i know that :P) because i have my own own garage now...and tonight is going to be my first night. :) so i hope i'm going to have a nice dream because your first night's dream in a new home is going to become true.
see u tomorrow in class. i hope it will be the first monday which doesn't suck. :P