marriage of my father (17-09-10)

isn't it strange if your father marries a woman who isn't your mother and who isn't the mother of your  half-brother? and isn't it more strange if the parents of the wife say to you 'welcome in our family' and 'now you have new grandparnets and a new mother!'...?

just a few pictures of the family which will never become my new family. it's just the next wife in my fathers life...(and her family)

my first graphic design project (07-09-10)

just see it and feel it. 
and if u want to..say sth. i would like to have feedback. 

monday sucks again-> i hate to drive alone. (20-09-10)

4 1/2 hours for 200km. -.-
two 'vollsperrungen' on the A30. The first accident happened just before I arrived and I had to stay on the 'Autobahn' for nearly 2 hours...while 4 fire engines and 2 ampulances passed me...

OUR CONCEPT ------------- 06-09-10

We -Cecile, Christopher, Ernst, Tobi and Me- decided to connect education and sport together in a game. 
REALTITY INTERACTS GAMING, short RiG is the name of our game and the verb when you are doing it should be 'rigging'. It should be played on the campus from students to use their free time in a better way.

MY SKILLS ----------------- 06-09-10

Why do I study Creative Technology? Because I'm creative? Yeah I think I am, but I think there are a lot people in this curse who are more creative than me. Maybe because I'm good in programming? Yeah I think I am, and I think that is the most important part why I choose to study CreaTE. But I also think that there are a lot people who are better in programming than me.
So maybe my skills are to organise the connection between the creative and the technology part. I'm good in both, but I'm not one of the best in both. So I think my skills are everything, so I'm just the connecting part.

MY SPECIAL DREAM ----- 01-09-10

After my last 'dream' post I was thinking about my dream that is not connected to my whole life. Just a special thing I want to realize in my life. And I thaught I should also tell you about THIS dream:
My dream is to make a tour on my Motorbike through Australia, from Perth to Sydney.

MY DREAM ----------------- 30-08-10

We had to think about our dreams in our first 'we create identiy' lesson. I think its a very difficult question. A dream connected with our studying or just our dream for the whole life? I think everybody could answer that his/her dream is to be happy and to be a creative technologist in 3 years.
But what dream is my individual dream?
I want to be one of the best in my curse, I want to be able to live my life without the financial help of my parents and I want to find a nice place to life for the next years. I want to choose the right major for my master, I want to find a nice job and I want to be a woman who can survive in a job-field with a majority of men. I want to find the right man (maybe I've found him, yet but who can be sure?), I want to have a family, I want to have a nice house and a dog, I want to have enough money to bye my children everything what they need, so I really want to be a woman who can connect a nice family and a big career. And while I want to do that all I also want to travel a lot and have fun!
I think that are a lot dreams for my whole life and also if I can't realize them all I hope I will sit there with my grand-children when I'm an old lady and will think that I had a happy and good life full of lovely people.