MY DREAM ----------------- 30-08-10

We had to think about our dreams in our first 'we create identiy' lesson. I think its a very difficult question. A dream connected with our studying or just our dream for the whole life? I think everybody could answer that his/her dream is to be happy and to be a creative technologist in 3 years.
But what dream is my individual dream?
I want to be one of the best in my curse, I want to be able to live my life without the financial help of my parents and I want to find a nice place to life for the next years. I want to choose the right major for my master, I want to find a nice job and I want to be a woman who can survive in a job-field with a majority of men. I want to find the right man (maybe I've found him, yet but who can be sure?), I want to have a family, I want to have a nice house and a dog, I want to have enough money to bye my children everything what they need, so I really want to be a woman who can connect a nice family and a big career. And while I want to do that all I also want to travel a lot and have fun!
I think that are a lot dreams for my whole life and also if I can't realize them all I hope I will sit there with my grand-children when I'm an old lady and will think that I had a happy and good life full of lovely people.