happy to survive the first drive with self-changed tire

it's monday night...since my last post we had our interactive video presentation on friday, i had a nice weekend and we had our last course with eliens today.
the presentation on friday was really good. i was really surprised of our whole course and of my group. yeah we made a good job and i think our video has been well received. i thaught that there would be more people from the university but there were a lot of parents and friends and it was a nice afternoon.
i think eliens was proud of his students, or i hope so.
after the presentation i went home, had a nice weekend with my parents and my boyfriend and came back on sunday evening to work a little bit more on our assignments with nick.
this morning we had to present our worst pages. I think there were a lot of annoying sounds, a lot of boring pages and a few really good ideas and a few really good realizations of huge html-knowledge, like chris (the winner) but also of just a small and self-teached knowledge, like nick (third place).
there were no girls under the first three students. i think it's because girls can't make worst pages. they always wants to make everything pretty. ;) but normally they should be better in annoying pages right? :)
after the worst pages everybody had to talk 20 seconds about what he or she learned and UNLEARNED. the most common skill which the course unlearned is to start with a project at latest as possible. the most common skill which the course learned is how to work in a group, how to act, how to talk, how to think and how to solve problems.

now i have to sleep. i have my first working day tomorrow...before lecture. :/ good night.